Robert De Niros Waiting (CHORDS) by Bananarama

G  Em  D
G  Em  D

[Verse 1]~
A                     D
Hopes dashed to the floor

                      A         D
Like shattered teenage dreams

A                  D
Boys living next door

                   A         D
Are never what they seem

A walk in the park can become a bad dream

People are staring and following me

This is my only escape from it all

E                                   D  G
Watching a film or a face on the wa-aa-all

G                         D
Robert De Niro's waiting,, Talking Italian
Robert De Niro's waiting,, Talking Italian
Robert De Niro's waiting,, Talking Italian
Robert De Niro's waiting,, Talking Italian

[Verse 2]~
A                D
I don't need a boy

                 A         D
I've got a man of steel

A                D
Don't come any closer

             A         D
I don't wanna feel

You're breathing,, you're touching,, but nothing's for free

I never want this to happen to me

Don't try to change me,, you're wasting your time

E                                        D  G
Now I've got something much better in mi-ii-ind

G                         D
Robert De Niro's waiting,, Talking Italian
Robert De Niro's waiting,, Talking Italian
Robert De Niro's waiting,, Talking Italian
Robert De Niro's waiting,, Talking Italian

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